Een Speedfriending show?

Hi there! Thanks for your interest in the Speedfriending Show. Sounds pretty fun, doesn’t it? I write this to you in English, because there are hundreds of international teams in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht and this works of course 100 % in English. Since I’m dutch it is available in Dutch too.*

The official announcement is coming soon, but I’m excited to give you a sneak peek into Stevens’ Speedfriending Show. Because, let’s be honest, you’re curious.

The Speedfriending Show helps you meet a handful of new people in a surprisingly short amount of time. It helps your team to connect on a real, light hearted human level. Your brand-new colleagues, your new project team—whatever group you have, especcialy if they don’t know each other well yet.

With delightful, surprising questions, you’ll get to know the people in your new group quickly. Seriously, I’ve been debating whether to really go through with this show, but every time I read those questions, I feel it: Yes, this is so awesome! These are questions you’ll definitely want to ask your partner or your date later, trust me. You will surprise that person for sure.

What you’ll discover through these questions is that you often have much more in common than that you are different. You’ll experience each other’s humanity. Absolutely zero boring processes here—it’s a festive, funny, and surprising show.

During this show, I’ll share a few stories about how challenging it is to be human, about connecting with people, and maybe even an embarrassing story. Why not? To break the ice, you know. ‘It’s a dirty job, but someone has got to do it.’

How long does it last?

About 75-90 minutes. With a nice pace, lighthearted moments, sometimes surprisingly touching—and afterward: drinks! So you can ask that awesome question to someone you didn’t talk to earlier.

How many participants?

Starting from 16 participants at least. Because, I love the show part you know.

Who is the host?

I’m your host, Johan Stevens. I’ve created four full-length solo theatre shows, performed the Samenwerkings Show for corporates, municipalities, and companies from 2012 to 2016. I’ve also been an actor in training programs and facilitated several large groups, with theatre, funny quizes.

My motto is ‘Fall Madly In Love With Your Own Humanity.’ I write about the awkward party that is called life.

Want to get updates about this show when I officially launch it?

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